
маневр; фигура <пилотажа>/ маневрировать; выполнять маневр
180-deg maneuver
3-dimensional maneuver
9-g maneuver
abort maneuver
accel-decel-accel maneuver
accel-decel maneuver
accelerated maneuver
acceleration-deceleration-acceleration maneuver
acceleration-deceleration maneuver
accident maneuver
ACM maneuver
acrobatic maneuver
aerial combat maneuver
aerobatic maneuver
aggressive maneuver
agility maneuver
air combat maneuver
air-to-air maneuver
air-to-air combat maneuver
air-to-ground maneuver
anti-g straining maneuver
asymmetric power maneuver
asymmetric thrust maneuver
attitude maneuver
auto-flap maneuver
autorotation maneuver
balked landing maneuver
bank-to-bank maneuver
bank-to-turn maneuver
banking maneuver
barrel roll-type maneuver
bob-up maneuver
bomb maneuver
butterfly maneuver
compound maneuver
constant sideslip maneuver
coordinated maneuver
corrective maneuver
countering maneuver
coupling maneuver
cross control maneuver
deceleration maneuver
defense maneuver
defensive maneuver
demonstration maneuver
departure maneuver
descend maneuver
design-limited maneuver
discrete maneuver
dive maneuver
doublet set maneuver
dynamic maneuver
emergency maneuver
energy-state maneuver
escape maneuver
evasive maneuver
extended duration maneuver
extreme-attitude maneuver
falling-leaf maneuver
FBW maneuver
final maneuver
full-lateral stick maneuver
full-roll maneuver
full-aft-stick maneuver
full-envelope maneuvers
fuselage aiming maneuver
gliding maneuver
go-around maneuver
gyroscopic coupling maneuver
hammerhead maneuver
heading change maneuver
Herbst maneuver
high-risk maneuver
high-altitude maneuver
high-angle-of-attack maneuver
high-g maneuver
high-roll-rate maneuver
horizontal maneuver
hovering maneuver
hypersonic maneuver
landing maneuver
large-amplitude maneuver
large-angle roll maneuver
lateral maneuver
lateral offset maneuver
lateral-directional maneuver
lead-pursuit maneuver
levelling-off maneuver
liftoff maneuver
longitudinal maneuver
longitudinal coupling maneuver
loop maneuver
low-altitude maneuver
low-g maneuver
low-speed maneuver
M1/L1 straining maneuver
maximum maneuver
maximum g maneuver
mirror-image maneuver
mishap maneuver
missile evasive maneuver
mixed-mode maneuver
near-minimum time maneuver
near-to-the-ground maneuver
nonlinear maneuver
nose-up maneuver
OEI maneuver
offensive maneuver
one engine inoperative maneuver
path stretching maneuver
permissible maneuver
pitch axis maneuver
pitch pulse maneuver
pitch-up maneuver
pitching maneuver
pop-up maneuver
positive maneuver
post launch maneuver
post-stall maneuver
Pougachev's Cobra maneuver
practice maneuver
PST maneuver
pull-out maneuver
pull-up maneuver
push-over maneuver
pushover/pullup maneuver
quasi-steady maneuver
real-time maneuver
rearward maneuver
rigid body maneuver
roll maneuver
roll-over maneuver
roller-coaster maneuver
rolling maneuver
rolling pull maneuver
rolling pullout maneuver
rotational maneuver
side-step maneuver
simulation maneuver
single-axis rotational maneuver
slow-flight maneuver
stabilized maneuver
stall maneuver
steady-state maneuver
steep dive bomb maneuver
sustained maneuver
symmetric maneuver
symmetric power maneuver
symmetrical maneuver
tail slide maneuver
takeoff maneuver
target maneuver
TCAS maneuver
tell-tale maneuver
terminal maneuver
terminal evasion maneuver
terrain-avoidance maneuver
test maneuver
thrust reverse maneuver
tracking maneuver
training maneuver
transient maneuver
translational maneuver
turn maneuver
uncoordinated maneuver
vertical maneuver
vertical attitude maneuver
wave-off maneuver
wind-up turn maneuver
yaw maneuver
zero-sideslip angle maneuver

Авиасловарь. . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "maneuver" в других словарях:

  • Maneuver — Maneuver, manoeuvre (also spelled manœuvre or manoeuver from the French) may be a synonym for strategy or tactic. It is the manipulation of a situation in order to gain some advantage. Military or naval movement Military exercise Maneuver warfare …   Wikipedia

  • maneuver — [n1] move, tactic action, angle, artifice, contrivance, curveball, demarche, device, dodge, fancy footwork*, feint, finesse, gambit, game, gimmick, intrigue, jig*, machination, manipulation, measure, movement, plan, play, plot, ploy, procedure,… …   New thesaurus

  • maneuver — the US spelling of manoeuvre * * * maneuver UK US /məˈnuːvər/ noun, verb [I or T] US for ► MANOEUVRE(Cf. ↑manoeuvre) noun …   Financial and business terms

  • Maneuver — Ma*neu ver, Manoeuvre Ma*n[oe]u vre, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Maneuvered}or {Man[oe]uvred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Maneuvering}, or {Man[oe]uvring}.] [Cf. F. man[oe]uvrer. See {Maneuver}, n.] 1. To perform a movement or movements in military or naval… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • maneuver — [mə no͞o′vər, mənyo͞o′vər] n. [Fr manœuvre, orig., hand labor < VL manuopera < L manu operare, to work by hand < manus, a hand (see MANUAL) + opera, pl. of opus, a work: see OPUS] 1. a planned and controlled tactical or strategic… …   English World dictionary

  • Maneuver — Ma*neu ver, Manoeuvre Ma*n[oe]u vre, n. [F. man[oe]uvre, OF. manuevre, LL. manopera, lit., hand work, manual labor; L. manus hand + opera, fr. opus work. See {Manual}, {Operate}, and cf. {Mainor}, {Manure}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Management;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Maneuver — Ma*neu ver, Manoeuvre Ma*n[oe]u vre, v. t. 1. To change the positions of, as of troops of ships. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • maneuver — I (tactic) noun approach, course of conduct, decursio, decursus, device, line of action, management, manipulation, mode of procedure, move, operation, plan of attack, planned campaign, procedure, scheme, stratagem, strategy, stroke, undertaking… …   Law dictionary

  • maneuver — n stratagem, *trick, ruse, gambit, ploy, artifice, wile, feint Analogous words: *device, contrivance: expedient, resort, *resource, shift, makeshift: intrigue, machination, *plot …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • maneuver — is an AmE variant of manoeuvre …   Modern English usage

  • maneuver — (Brit. manoeuvre) ► NOUN 1) a physical movement or series of moves requiring skill and care. 2) a carefully planned scheme or action. 3) (maneuvers) a large scale military exercise. ► VERB (maneuvered, maneuvering) …   English terms dictionary

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